I think I call like a zillion people in the WORLD my best friend! Unfortunately, over time my actual best friends at the time got quite offended. They didn't get how I could use the words so flippantly! But sometimes "friend" just didn't suffice my sentiments! I needed to add an adjective there... and "best" was all I had. In 2006 though anyone with a brain was my best friend... maybe I did take it a little too far.
A few weeks ago, I told this guy who I just met that he was my first Brampton friend. He was quite shocked. I think I sounded a bit needy! He didn't really get how we were ALREADY friends. So to make sure he didn't runaway from me and leave me without any friends... I quickly devised my theory of friendship. I was pretty impressed with myself because it actually made sense. I've been wanting to share this with you guys for awhile to see what people thought... and maybe I could end up in a text book or something! LOL
My 6-levels of friendship is a hierarchy triangular theory. So basically the first level of the triangle is the biggest meaning that there are more people that fit in there... but as u climb this "ladder" the space gets smaller... not too many people fit in there.
The first level of friendship is ACQUAINTANCE and is obviously the biggest one. I have a lot of acquaintances... and only a small percentage of them are my Facebook friends. And I have 502 Facebook friends today! I even deleted a few of them during purification ceremonies! lol. But these are the people who I acknowledge in public... with a nodd or smile or wave. Sometimes will have a nice little chat about where they're at in life, the weather or something else very pertinent but not personal. Sometimes I know their names... sometimes I don't. It's okay though... we're happy just having that short little interaction. Especially if we're at a party and the people we came with left us... then you love your acquaintances... you might even hug them!
But sometimes your acquaintances become your FRIEND and this just means that you start making plans. So when you bump into them randomly, one of you usually says, "OMG! We should totally grab a coffee! Here's my number! You should definitely call me!" And then years go by and you see them again and you say the exact same thing! I love it! I love all these random invitations that very rarely happen. I'm not usually offended when things don't happen. I'm usually the one who doesn't show up though... because I'm ridiculously shy... and hate awkward situations. So if I only met you a few times and then you invite me out, I probably won't come! I just need a few more conversations with you before we spend any alone time!
Though there are times when these plans actually do pan out and then, according to me and my theory, these are your BEST FRIENDS. I could be jumping the gun here... maybe "good" would be a better adjective but "best" just sounds a lot more exciting when you yell it out across the room! But my best friends are those people who have actually taken the time to get to know me and follow-through with plans. They usually know random facts about who I am... and we send each other Christmas cards. And we also start making BIGGER plans! I think we everyone that I've called a best friend we have shared a dream... whether it's a business venture or a vacation... we're making BIG plans. And to me, it doesn't really matter if these pan out or not... it's quite fun to dream w/them anyways!
The next level is BINGE FRIENDS and they are my everyday friends. We make big plans and regular plans. I probably see my binge friends once a week and usually talk to them every other day. I'm lost without my binge friends! They keep me sane by knowing just about every small detail of my life and of theirs. They're the people I call when I wanna go shopping or catch a movie or just get out of my house. We do nothing most of the time and often talk about the same things all the time but it doesn't matter cos we just love being together.
Usually though, you can only binge a person for so long. Thankfully though binging has evolved since I was in grade school... cos honestly that was really intense! But after binging someone for awhile the automatically become FAMILY. These friends could probably get a key to my house if they wanted to. We know each other's parents and don't mind kicking it with them until you get home. And the thing about family friends is that you don't have to talk to them all the time to know that they love you. You could talk to them once a year and the friendship would still be strong! You know that you'll still be in each other's wedding and that your kids will call them auntie/uncle. And you know that when there's any kind of significant event like a break-up or a new job... that you'll be calling your family friends to let them know!
Unfotunately sometimes you do lose contact with them... especially as you get older. But there's always a special bond anyways. And often in my experience, I want these family friends to be something more. I don't want to just hear from them for the milestones but also for the little stones... the everyday things in life. Whenever you have someone on a certain level and you're not that type of friend for them...it's frustrating. Because you expect that person to be there for you in a certain way and they aren't.
As of right now I only have one BESTEST FRIEND who has climbed this interesting ladder of friendship. It was tough but she made it. I would describe her as my binge family friend... like we just can't get enough of each other. She's an active part of my life and I'm an active part of hers.
So that's my 6-level friendship model. I love that I can fit all my friendships into it... hehehe. But that doesn't
mean I value anyone's relationship over another... it just explains why I call everyone my best friend and why I get more frustrated with some people!!!
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