Nobody likes to be reminded that they are single... because well, we know we are! We truly don't need the rest of the world rubbing our singleness in our faces... or the best is... asking us why we are single! Well, if I knew... I probably wouldn't be single... stupid! And I'm sure everyone has the best intentions at heart! But when you go out for dinner with two other couples and the waiter asks how the bills are being divided and you are the only one on your bill... you feel a little crappy! Or when you go alone to a wedding and the photographer comes around saying that she is taking pictures of all the couples... and then says that you can take your picture alone! These are the moments that nobody enjoys! And for some reason your no-longer-single friends always forget what it is like to be single... so they say a bunch of cliché things to you! Nothing good!
But I must tell you... I absolutely adore being single. I feel like it is such a precious gift from God. I get to experience so much freedom. I don't have yet another set of expectations to live up to... another personality that I need to try to mesh with... another person to try to explain things to... another person to try not to offend... another person to dissappoint me... another person to fight with... the list can go on and on!!!
I know most of you are thinking that I'm just talking smack... and you know the truth! You know that I talk about my future husband all the time! And that I have planned out my whole wedding... and named all six of my future children!!! And this is all true! I do desire for my family, house and white picket fence... HOWEVER! I refuse to let that dream stop be from living out this life!
I have met tons of women who are waiting for the Mr. Right or their husband. Majority of these women are not happy... they look like they are missing something... they talk about how they are missing something. They tell you how much better their life would be if Mr. Right were right here! Then they can lead a full and complete life! But there are the handful of women who are truly happy... living each day of their singleness to the fullest. That is who I want to be!
I went to a women's conference April that just passed... and the guest speaker was a woman who had felt God called her to be single for the rest of her life. Now she is over 50 years old... and loving life! What a blessing her life is! What a testimony to so many women out there... its okay ladies! We can be happy without a man in our lives... great if he does come but please... don't sit around waiting. Don't live each day waiting for some man... when life is still happening around you!
I don't believe God has called me to be single! But He knows just how happy I would be if He did... to be able to live my life completely for Him... to go wherever He told me to without having to think about my husband and children... to do whatever He required of me! Life would be so much fun! & not that I can't do what God asks of me with a family... but with them there are so many more factors to consider! And that's okay... because with them I will have so many new joys in life!
So despite planning my whole wedding and hating when people remind that I am single... I am very much so enjoying this single life of mine! And I don't need to wait for my prince charming... because Jesus is already my Prince and King and everything else I need! But don't worry... I'll let you know He brings me my mortal prince ;)
1 Corinthians 7:32-34
I would like you to be free from concern. An unmarried man is concerned about the Lord's affairs—how he can please the Lord. But a married man is concerned about the affairs of this world—how he can please his wife—and his interests are divided. An unmarried woman or virgin is concerned about the Lord's affairs: Her aim is to be devoted to the Lord in both body and spirit. But a married woman is concerned about the affairs of this world—how she can please her husband.
Hosea 2:16
"In that day," declares the LORD, "you will call me 'my husband'; you will no longer call me 'my master.
John 10:10
...I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.
N.B. The speaker from the conference, Skip McDonald, wrote a book called 'And She lived Happily Ever After'... read it! Its great!
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