Sunday, February 15, 2009

Worth the Wait

Valentine's Day is my favorite holiday. I don't care if you say it isn't a holiday. It is for me! I love all its commercialness... I love chocolate and flowers and candy and cards... I love red and sometimes pink. And I love love! And having never had a boyfriend... ever... let alone for Valentine's Day... it doesn't really represent a couple thing for me. Since College, I'd ask a friend that I'm close with to be my Valentine so that I could buy all those fun things. And I'd usually get flowers from my brother... so really, it was a great holiday!

This year, a week before Valentine's Day, I went to see "He's Just Not that Into You"... what a big mistake. It left me feeling so terrible depressed about all the guys that were just NOT that in me. It's a sad sad realization. And yes, I did realize it before but the movie just resurfaced all those terrible feelings. I don't think I've recovered yet.

I watched a video on Facebook a few nights ago... it was of a Pastor preaching to single guys... telling them how to find their wife. In a small nut shell, he said that you should just grow a set and ask her out... to her face... to dinner. Don't facebook her or text or... and don't ask her to movie. And he said that girls should just walk away from guys you don't put the effort into you. It was interesting because it wasn't so much that he's just not that into you... it was more that he just doesn't know how to treat you. Either way, don't date him.

A few minutes later I got a text asking if I wanted to go to the movies.

A co-worker asked me recently how long was my longest relationship... and instead of just facing the shame of it all... I said that I date jerks. Which is true! And then he asked me why I did this to myself... is it because I'm afraid of commitment.

Maybe... but I think only jerks ask me out...

It's hard to not think that has something to do with me. Like what on my forehead says that I don't deserve a real date... to a real restaurant... where he pays? And what about me says that I don't deserve to meet his friends? Or that I'm not worth the title girlfriend or a commitment?!?

I was asked a few weeks ago what type of do I like. I didn't answer... it was a guy asking. I felt awkward telling him that it was a bunch of things he probably wasn't. But then, I knew that it didn't matter the type I liked because I always settle. My standards are high but at the end of the day... I sell myself short.

I think I'm done selling myself short. I think it's time I honored my own personal standards. And stopped settling for a moment's glimpse of what love may look like...

And this may mean that I'll be single for a very VERY long time... because yes, my standards are quite high. But at least when he comes along, I'll know he's the one and hopefully... he'll know I'm worth it.

A wife of noble character who can find?
She is worth far more than rubies.
Proverbs 31:10


  1. Grow a set...i like that! I might use it when i speak to young guys too!

    I think this time is good for you when you can set your standards and talk with people to see if their ridiculous or proper. Don't be crazy and say no guy is good enough but totally don't sell yourself short. And thats before dating...just falling in love sweetie. Watch your heart, it becomes your downfall. Watch your downfall, it becomes the reason your brother yells at you on the phone! : )

  2. you are so wise. I am too shallow to wait. I need the attention now and will suffer to get it. I've kissed ALOT of frogs - even in places I would have rather not but I haven't found a prince yet. and at least you never kissed a wart. you ain't missin anything.

  3. My cousin once told me, you are gold. Don't let anyone devalue you. Of course, I'd already been married a number of years at that point. But I pass it on to you. I've only dated 3 guys in my life, married the last one. If I have one regret, it's that my husband never once took me out to dinner and paid, never took me dancing or any of that. None of my boyfriends had their own place (I guess I'm tainted by American TV). But my husband IS a good man, so I can't complain too much. Do not settle. Believe God has a man out there, that He made especially for you. and if he hasn't come around yet, it probably because God is still putting the icing and the cherry on. :)
